Did you know you can work online and earn money? Yes, you can enjoy the freedom; peace of mind, and the bond with your family as you work from your home.
See, with a computer (some need only a smartphone) and stable internet; you are ready to start making money online.
You can work from your home by writing articles, blog posts, guest posting, doing surveys, transcribing, and the like. Don’t just sleep hungry and strain to make a living while you have some computer basis and proper grammar.
Look for a professional in any of these online jobs and get some training. Sit down and type or listen to those audio/videos, and make money online.
This is what I do every day.
However, not all online jobs are legit. Some are a scam, and they will leave you crying and more miserable than you were. Again, while many are legit, people have lost money doing them.
How? While they want to be part of the game, they choose not to follow the rules. The results? They end up losing lots of money.
Therefore, even as you seek to work from your home and earn money online, be ready to follow the set rules.
This article will talk about the various ways of making money online in 2019 and where you can get training.
How Can You Work From Your Home And Make Money Online?
Content Writing
Do you have good grammar, a computer, and a good internet connection? Then, there’s an opportunity for you. In fact, when I was starting online jobs, I started with article writing. Nevertheless, you can also venture into academic writing, copywriting, guest posting, and any other content-writing job.
Oh, you should be one person who loves writing as well as sitting for long hours typing. Why? While some clients will ask for a 250 words article, others will request a 5000 words piece.
Do you think it’s that easy? Not at all, especially if you don’t love researching and writing. Do you enjoy writing but cannot write long pieces? Don’t shrink back. I was there. I lost clients and declined offers because I could not write a 1000 words review.
Wait until I wrote a 5000 plus words article on making money blogging; I was over the moon. Read it. I guarantee you; you’ll fall in love with it!
Where Do You Get Writing Jobs to Work From Home?
There’re many content mills available such as Upwork, Fiverr, People Per Hour, and Writer, among others. I would highly recommend Upwork. To be sincere, this year alone, I made over $5,000 on Upwork. Is that too little? Yes, depending on how you look at it.
See, this is what I retained after hiring writers and paying them. That means I made way above $5,000 from Upwork. Again, I worked with only one or two clients there since I also blog, train, and work with direct clients (D.Cs).
Actually, I have completely stopped working on Upwork since I have several D.Cs who keep me very busy, and their pay is good.
I never lost money on this site. However, that doesn’t mean that there are no scammers there. There are quite a number, but if you follow the set rules, you will be okay.
You can also find work in any of these:
- Craigslist
- Listiller
- Problogger
- Indeed
You can also get writing jobs from D.Cs. As I have said, they pay way better, and you get them by sharing your content on;
- Huffington Post
- Thrive Global.com
- Entrepreneur Magazine
- Forbes
However, you must be a producer of quality content to stand out from the crowd.
Online Courses
After gathering enough skills in writing content, the second thing I wanted to try out was online courses. It was hard at first. See, I had to reply to emails every day and read trainees’ articles word by word to see if they had done the right thing. Surely, this is not something you should try if you are not willing to sacrifice your time, read articles, and offer advice where possible. It needs time, dedication, love, and sacrifice.
Again, you must be a professional if you want to have great results. See, anyone you’re training believes in what you say. Plus, a trainee will always run to you for advice, a solution, a recommendation, and the like.
What happens if you don’t even know what the trainee is talking about? What if you give the wrong information and the trainee gets into trouble on account of poor advice by a poor or fake trainer? That will mark the start of your downfall.
So, be sure you have the right skill before you start offering content online courses.
You can join my self-paced content writing course.
What To Do When Looking For a Trainer
If you are looking for online courses like article writing, transcription, affiliate marketing, and the like, don’t just pick any trainer. People have paid for the online courses, and after the “trainer” receives the M-Pesa text, he disappears into the bush. Yes, it happens, and you need to know that. You see, most online training is conducted online.
That means you are paying someone you have never met or seen. I also paid a stranger to train me in article writing. But you don’t just pay anyone. Dig deeper and see if the trainer is an expert as well as legit.
Find out what others are saying about them.
So, where do you get such details? Writers’ Facebook groups such as the Most Excellent Freelance Writer, Awesome Transcribers in Kenya (ATK), and Remarkable Freelance Writers in Kenya. Such legit groups have pinned posts (announcements) that show legit trainers and other services that you can get from genuine people. For trainers with blogs, you can look at the “Testimonial Page” to see what other trainees have said about them.
For example, some of my trainees have given me great testimonials after completing the course. Do you think that comes on a silver platter? Not at all! Hard work and quality services have yielded these great testimonials.
Believe me; it’s easy to create a blog so as to work from your home than to maintain it. Yes, it’s even cheaper. You see, you create a blog once. But do you create content once and leave it at that? Whether you hire people to write blog posts for you or personally write content, you’ll still spend money blogging.
People have started great blogs, but they ended up giving up along the way. Why? Some could not create content regularly; others didn’t have time to maintain them, while others saw no results within a short time, so they gave up.
I’m a blogger, and I know it takes patience and a lot of hard work. Did I say you must produce quality blog posts for you to rule the world of bloggers? Well, you can’t escape that if you are serious about blogging.
It took me almost four months to get my first client through my blog. But what made the client contact me? Quality! See what one of them says, “Mary Peter, I like your blog. How much do you charge per 500 words article? I hope it will be like the “honey” type of article I read in your blog.” (I later redirected it to Thrive Global).
This is enough evidence that blogging can yield great results and help you earn money online as you work from your home. Try it, but be sure to give it your best.

So, how do you make it in blogging?
- Produce high-quality content
- Create informative and useful content
- Blog regularly
- Optimize your content well
- Carefully select a (profitable) niche
And which are these profitable blogs you can start as you work from your home?
Here is my answer:
- Health and Fitness
- Making money online
- Marriage and relationships
- Fashion and beauty
- Lifestyle
- Personal development
- Travel
Affiliate Marketing
I have come to realize that affiliate marketing is one of the best ways you can earn money online while you work from your home. Yes, you heard me right! However, it can be a little tricky if you do not know how it works. So, I will tell you how exactly it works so that you can decide for yourself if it is an excellent way to earn money online while you work from your home.
The good thing is you don’t need to have a website like me to do affiliate marketing. You may as well use landing pages, banner Ads, social media, or E-commerce.
All you need is to sign up for an affiliate program so that you can receive a unique code and then start marketing products or services of other companies. Your aim is to have people buy those products/services using the link you will receive.
You can write content about that product/service or just mention it somewhere so that you link it to the product/service using the unique code. If somebody buys the products or services through your link, you automatically earn a commission. That’s simple!
As you work from your home through affiliate marketing. I would advise you to market the products and services that are trending in the market. This way, you can be sure that you won’t get frustrated by products/services that may take a decade to sell.
Selling eBooks
For you to earn a good figure from eBooks, you must spend a lot of time writing as well as marketing your product. Amazon is a perfect place to sell eBooks.
I have several friends who have been making money by selling eBooks on Amazon. Dorine Otinga, a renowned writer and blogger, has written an eBook on Simple Ways To Double Your Blog Profit. You can also get a copy for yourself at only $3.00. She earns from the eBook even when she is on the road traveling. Isn’t that awesome?

This is one superb thing you need to think about if you want to work from your home and earn money online even in your old age.
There’s another guru, mentor, trainer, and friend who has written several eBooks. Walter Akolo (of Awesome Transcribers in Kenya) is the guru I’m talking about.
Recently, due to the many complaints we have been hearing of trainees lamenting that they are not able to land jobs on Upwork, he decided to write an eBook called “How to Get Clients to Say Yes.”
It is an excellent eBook, believe me, and with only $10, you can have a copy. If you need it, get in touch with him at walter@freelancerkenya.com.
Guys are making a lot of money online. But do you think you work from your home and earn money online by writing poor eBooks? Not at all! Quality matters. Therefore, ensure you write awesome eBooks.
You can also consider reading online surveys that pay cash.
Do you have something you love doing and would like to share it with the world via a video? Cool. YouTube is the way to go. While you do what you love most, you can make money through YouTube. How exactly do you do this? Firstly, I identify what you like most and can share with the world and answer any question without trouble.
What do I mean? Be an expert on what you want to share with the world. You can be a wedding or event planner, an artist, and the like. Nevertheless, it must not always be something serious.
You can be a comedian and create funny videos.
This is one sure way of making passive income but not a get-rich scheme. Why? You need to get time to create those videos. Also, depending on what you want, let the video either be educative, informative, or entertaining so that people can follow you.
It may not be easy at first, but once people start loving what you give, you will not tell them to hit the “follow” and the “Like” buttons. They will just do it anyway, and there you start earning money online. Fantastic!
What do you need? A smartphone is a must. Start by creating your YouTube channel. Upload your video(s). You are just starting; therefore, let the world know you have a YouTube channel. How? Share your YouTube channel link vigorously through social media.
Allow interaction to rule by responding to people’s comments and questions. Did you know that if you just post videos and never respond to comments, people will get bored of commenting and following you?
I thought you should know.
Reply, therefore, to your follower’s comments whenever you are able, and answer any questions they have. As a result, you will be creating a strong relationship with them.
Now, money is never enough, isn’t that so? You, therefore, need to find more ways to earn from your YouTube channel, right?
Go ahead and allow Ads from YouTube on your channel. How do you earn from this? If your followers click on an Ad, you earn some money. See, it is so easy to earn money online as you work from your home.
Google Adsense
Here’s another fantastic way to Earn Money online in the comfort of your home. So, what do you need? You need to have a blog or website so that you can add your unique code (provided by Google) to your site. Simple!
Anyone who visits your website and clicks on Adsense earns some cash, just like in the Adsense we have just mentioned in the YouTube channel.
However, for a new website or blog, you need first to create high-quality content. Also, avoid plagiarism since Google will not approve your request to have Adsense on your site if you have any duplicate content therein.
Still, one or two posts will also disqualify you from joining the Google Adsense world. So, ensure you have several posts on your site before you apply. However, you need to be very patient before you can start earning awesomely through Adsense. But if you know SEO tricks, you can win the game fast than others.
Email Marketing
If you have an online community, email marketing can be a good way of making money online as you work from your home. You can create this community by creating a Facebook group, a blog, or a website. Here, you can decide to be providing people with advice, written content, goods, or other services.
Here too, ensure that you are a pro in whatever you choose to offer so that people know that you are an expert and can solve their problems. This way, you will get a good number who will opt to follow your page or site because they value what you say.
But why do you need to have people who value what you say? Let me ask you a question. How many Emails have you received, and within a blink of an eye, you sent them to the trash? Why did you delete that one email inbox and not the other?
Of course, there was something you loved, wanted to learn, or wanted to know from the email you chose to read. Isn’t that so?
You see, that is why it is good to first create an audience before thinking of email marketing. With a good audience, you can market your eBooks, online courses, services, and other products you may have. With Email marketing, you can work from your home and make a lot of money within a short time.
Yes, even hours. But you need to have quality services/goods so as to start doing email marketing.
The Exit Line
There is no need to struggle each day, as there are so many ways you can make money online. See, you can work from your home and earn money online through any or all of the 8 ways I have discussed above.
Do article writing training, start doing the job, and be sure to follow your trainer’s instructions so that you never end up losing any money.
You can do it. And no, you don’t have to do all of them to start with; start with one, then advance with time.
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